
How to avoid gatway time-out HTTP 504

  • 18 August 2021
  • 8 replies

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  • Contributor
  • 1425 replies



I am using an FME Server app in which a theHTTPCaller is used to call on a second FME Server workspace. Here are some of the tags used in the URL (opt_showresult=true&opt_servicemode=sync&opt_responseformat=json)

Long translations fail and return a HTTP 504 (HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out) even with the connection timeout lenght and transfer timeout lenght set to 0


Is there a way to avoid these timeouts? I suspect that it has to do with the FME Cloud settings, anybody can shed some light on the subject?




8 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +32

I don't have an answer for you but can confirm that this sometimes seems to happen on FME Cloud instances, up to the point where even the standard dashboard statistics gathering job times out.

Badge +16

I don't have an answer for you but can confirm that this sometimes seems to happen on FME Cloud instances, up to the point where even the standard dashboard statistics gathering job times out.

Hi thanaks for confirming I am not the only one having an issue with it this. I probably should configure the proces to submit an async jobs to avoid the time-out.

Userlevel 6
Badge +36

Are you passing your calls to FME Server through IIS?

Badge +16

Are you passing your calls to FME Server through IIS?

Hi, No this is pure FME Cloud.

Userlevel 5

Out of curiosity, how long is the duration before you get the timeout error?

I am also curios about this topic. It would be nice to have an option for a diverted page when gateway times out.


I have had this happen only when the file uploaded is too large, typically files more than 100mb and the processing time in the workspace that I have times out. Can one limit the file size uploaded to the FME Cloud?

Badge +5

@rag2000​ - If you see a gateway time-out HTTP 504 error, your issue might not be that the file upload is too big, but that the job takes too long to run. We have some custom logic to increase the timeout on certain endpoints (/fmerest/v3/transformations/transact/jobs and /fmerest/v3/transformations/transact/data) to mitigate this issue.

Badge +16

@rag2000​ - If you see a gateway time-out HTTP 504 error, your issue might not be that the file upload is too big, but that the job takes too long to run. We have some custom logic to increase the timeout on certain endpoints (/fmerest/v3/transformations/transact/jobs and /fmerest/v3/transformations/transact/data) to mitigate this issue.

Hi @Merline George​ 

Thanks for getting back to me on this issue. I have had a look at the endpoints and according the documentation: "The submittal is synchronous, and a response is not returned until the job completes"


Does that mean that the Server app will also wait until the responce is returned? or will it time-out?
