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I am trying to convert XML informations (30K non geospatial elements) into formated PDF for each of my elements (30K).



What would be the best way to do that?



   - I am able to create a table for all my elements, but I don't see the way to create a formated PDF each elements.



- I checked out about the XSLTProcessor, but It doesn't seems to be useful to create a formated PDF. Am I wrong?



Anyway if you have better ideas I'm wide open!





from your question, i think you have problem in creating a formated pdf, i am working on some codes that may solve your problem. check out this pdf creating sdk i am going to make.  i also want to add some pdf conversion feature as well. take a look.
hello, lifemore. i see it is a good way to have pdf created.  a formatted pdf is what  we are asking. besides we need a tool for PDF conversion


XML to PDF is sometimes difficult and complicated.


