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I'm writing out to an old SQL 2000 database, and I get the following error using the MS SQL Non-Spatial writer:



"'TYPE_ID' is not a recognized function name."



I checked the log file and before writing to the database, FME is trying to execute the following query



SELECT name FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('(TableName]') AND user_type_id = TYPE_ID('int') AND is_identity = 1



When I execute this query I get an error too: SELECT name FROM sys.columns



The error is:



Invalid object name 'sys.columns'.



Is there a problem with writing to such an old SQL database?





your MSSQL instance is most likely too old. The MSSQL system table sys.columns was introduced in MSSQL 2005, and FME is using it to read the schema definition of the output feature type.



Is there a particular reason for hanging on to a 14 year old version of MSSQL?





