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I'm needing to write a reasonably complex GML v 3.2 file that will be created from a series of flat tables. I'm not sure how to construct the data in FME so that the writer will create the "nested table" structure required by the GML.

An example of the output structure would be as follows:



<gml:Point> etc...





















Is there a tutorial on using the writer for complex output like this or can someone advise what the data should look like in FME for me to hand this to the writer and have the output look correct? I understand how I can take a flat table and just output based on the attribute names but now do I get data to appear deeply nested in the GML tree. Do I need to construct the nested GML elements as strings stored in attributes and build up the structure one bit at a time?

Hi @jstanger,

This might help:

I expect fme to handle the output schema.

Hope this helps.

Hi @jstanger,

This might help:

I expect fme to handle the output schema.

Hope this helps.

Also this tutorial:


In general the XMLTemplater was the transformer you would traditionally use. If you need more help do respond, or please contact our support team ( who will be more than happy to help (I really mean that - some of them still wear I ? XML t-shirts)

