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I'm converting tiff (with tfw) file to ecw, but after transformation there is no eww (ecw's world file) neither is ecw properly georeferenced.



Yes, there is a way to georeference it by changing the extension of original tfw file, but that doesn't solve problem if you're running any other transformations (e.g. clipper) in between.



Thank you in advance.



Since world file is a plain text file, you can write it with the TEXT writer. The text lines can be created based on raster properties.


Wikipedia: World file (


To retrieve raster properties, consider using the RasterPropertiesExtractor.



There is another (a little odd) way. The JPEG writer can create the world file (*.wld). So, if you write jpeg file with ecw file into the same folder, the world file will be created. If necessafy, remove the jpeg files and change extension of the world files with Shutdown script.



Please raise this with Safe as an enhancement request. There is already an enhancement request for this, so more people saying they want it would hopefully push it up the development list.



As for the workaround, Takashi answers are the way to go if you want to use FME.
