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I need to set up a workspace to write a file directly into a specific Feature dataset within an ESRI File Geodatabase - is there any way I can set this up.

Sure, when creating the output feature type, go to the format parameters tab and enter the name into the feature class creation parameters:

If the feature dataset does not already exist, it will be created for you.

Hi @david_r 

Interesting. As your post is fairly old, I wonder if it needs an update.

On my side, in FME 2021 and 2023, when I open the properties of a writer feature class, the window which opens is called Feature Type and not Feature Type Properties. In addition, this window doesn’t have the same thumbnails and I can’t find the Feature Dataset setting.

Here’s a screenshot of FME 2023.


hi @timotheebecker 

As for FME 2023, the feature dataset setting has been merged with feature class:

Feature Datasets ( 

Feature Type Name

The Feature Dataset name can be specified as part of the Feature Type name with the following syntax.

<Feature Dataset>/<Feature Class>
