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Hi everyone,


is it possible to write pointcloud features to 3D PDF? When I try to do so all I see in the pdf is the bounding cube of the pointcloud feature but no points itself.

In case 3D PDF is unable to display pointclouds properly, is there a workaround for this issue? I played around with 3D spheres that are located at every 3D point - position but that forces 3d PDF to its knees with not more than 10.000 points/spheres which is rediculous less for pointcloud data and therefore doesn't seam to be a suitable way.

Attached a small sample of a pointcloud feature

Some LAS data

@ChrisAtSafe is quite right that PDF is a poor format for that much data.

If you're just looking to find a simple way to share data with other (non-tech) people, maybe it's worth using Cesium? It would take more set up on your part but to the end user it would just be like opening a web page. It would be way faster than PDF plus Cesium now has specific functionality for point clouds I believe.

See this blog post for more info, and please do ask more questions if it's of interest (I'm not Cesium expert but I know people who are!)

@ChrisAtSafe is quite right that PDF is a poor format for that much data.

If you're just looking to find a simple way to share data with other (non-tech) people, maybe it's worth using Cesium? It would take more set up on your part but to the end user it would just be like opening a web page. It would be way faster than PDF plus Cesium now has specific functionality for point clouds I believe.

See this blog post for more info, and please do ask more questions if it's of interest (I'm not Cesium expert but I know people who are!)

HI Mark,


I also spent some thoughts on Cesium but this would be too much effort in my particular case. I'm simply looking for a quick method to visualize textured terrain data, together with some extruded building models and vegetation from point cloud. This scenario I'd like to teach in one of my next FME starters courses on university. The task should be completed within a three hour schedule and the main focus must be at the workspace creation not any cesium setup. That's the reason why 3D PDF seemed to fit perfectly. But if it's not possible to display the point clouds I'd prefer to skip this aspect and just focus on the other 3D geometry.

Thanks for your support!
