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I am trying to access the GEOM column from a MSSQL 2012 Database using FME 2017. I have tried with the ADO, JDBC_Nonspatial und Spatial drivers. In table-view the column GEOM is never exposed. Do I have to manually expose the geometry column? If so, how?

I just did a couple of tests and can confirm that the geometry column doesn't show in any of the readers. I suspect the "geometry" data type isn't supported as a regular column by FME.

However, you can use a SQLExecutor as a workaround:

select *, sgeom].STAsText() as from Âmy_user].Tmy_table]

This will include the WKT (OGC Well-Known Text) representation of the "geom" column in a new column called "geom_wkt", which will be visible in FME.

In FME 2018 I can get FME to recognize the GEOM column using the SQL Server Non-Spatial ADO reader, but only as binary. SQL Server JDBC non-spatial reader does not seem to recognize the GEOM column. So I think David's suggestion to use SQLExecutor and keep the geometry as WKT using STAsText() is the way to go.

I agree with the SQL statement by @david_r, but I would use the SCLCreator transformer instead of a SQLExecutor.

I agree with the SQL statement by @david_r, but I would use the SCLCreator transformer instead of a SQLExecutor.

Good call, I agree.
