Error executing SQL command ('select * from "public"."hafa_acoa_02_poly" limit 0'): 'ERROR: relation "public.hafa_acoa_02_poly" does not exist
No spatial column was found for 'public.hafa_acoa_02_poly'. This is most likely a PostgreSQL table with no spatial data. No geometry will be read. If spatial data is not present, please try using the PostgreSQL reader instead
PostGIS geometry type unknown or empty (). Setting PostGIS geometry to 'postgis_none'
Error executing SQL command ('select * from "public"."hafa_acoa_02_poly" where false limit 0'): 'ERROR: relation "public.hafa_acoa_02_poly" does not exist
SQL query on table 'public.hafa_acoa_02_poly' failed or returned an empty result. Skipping table