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I am trying to a .KMZ file format into my workspace using the GOOGLE KML reader. After I cliced OK, it prompts me with all these Feature Types (AnimatedUpdated, Document, FlyTo,....) I am not sure which to select. I am following the link @ to connect the reader to the HTMLToXHTML Converter but I can't get the reader to load the correct file. Thanks for any helps.

This is the KML documentation: KML doc

Hope it will help you.

Thanks Erik. I'll look through the document.

Antero_Midstream.kmzI am also trying to expose the attributes from a kmz file. I tried to follow the article, but cannot seem to get mine to work. I am attaching my kmz file here.

Antero_Midstream.kmzI am also trying to expose the attributes from a kmz file. I tried to follow the article, but cannot seem to get mine to work. I am attaching my kmz file here.

The data is stored in the Placemark feature type, the kml_parent attribute refers to the Folder feature type (corresponding with kml_id on the Folder), so you should do a FeatureMerge on those and then the kml_name you get out of the Folder is what you would call layername.

Bit short on time right now otherwise I'd make you an example, but I hope this helps.
