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Hi, I have a feature reader pulling data back from a WFS


The Ignore get feature error is ticked.


Yet when I run the task I get the following error:


2019-10-15 10:21:38| 9.8| 0.0|ERROR |XML Parser error: 'Error in input dataset:'' line:6 column:5763521 message:input ended before all started tags were ended; last tag started is 'gml:posList''

2019-10-15 10:21:38| 9.8| 0.0|ERROR |The XML Module halted on error, see the logfile for details

2019-10-15 10:21:38| 9.8| 0.0|ERROR |<WFS> An error occurred while reading a GetFeature response, to ignore the error and avoid losing the previously read features, set the WFS "Ignore GetFeature Error" parameter. Total features downloaded: '0'

2019-10-15 10:21:38| 9.8| 0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details.


So even though it pulls back data it still fails and then doesn't pass any content to writer. The WFS works fine in QGIS and ArcMap so I don't think that is the issue.


If FME just ignoring the box that I ticked? Anyone else had this issue?


Many Thanks



From the documentation :

If checked, directs the reader to stop reading, rather than abort the translation, when encountering a WFS GetFeature error. When paging, this setting is helpful because features that are already fetched are not lost in a failed translation. 


Have you tried to increase the timeouts to see? if it helps? By doubling them for instance.

Thanks but increading the timeouts dont appear to help. Will test with the regular reader to see if that helps.

identical request made using reader versus feature reader. clearly a bug, reported to FME.



identical request made using reader versus feature reader. clearly a bug, reported to FME.



Hi @oliver.morris​, have you seen any update on this?

I just did the same test as you above using FME 2020.1 and got the same result; works with the reader errors with the feature reader.

Hi @oliver.morris​, have you seen any update on this?

I just did the same test as you above using FME 2020.1 and got the same result; works with the reader errors with the feature reader.

@cjd111​ I havent head any more on this. It would be helpful to have the featurereader with the same functionality as the native reader.
