Hello FME enthousiasts,
I've been building a simple workspace for a collegue to get some parcel data from a public WFS. When I run the process it all seems to work (i get the desired parcel written to a File Geodatabase). But it keeps giving a single WFS error in the log, but the error apparently doesn't stop it from running:
<WFS> GetFeature URL: `https://service.pdok.nl:443/kadaster/kadastralekaart/wfs/v5_0?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=2.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAMES=kadastralekaart%3APerceel&FILTER=%3CFilter%3E%3CAnd%3E%3CPropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3CPropertyName%3EAKRKadastraleGemeenteCodeWaarde%3C%2FPropertyName%3E%3CLiteral%3ERNN01%3C%2FLiteral%3E%3C%2FPropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3CPropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3CPropertyName%3Esectie%3C%2FPropertyName%3E%3CLiteral%3EK%3C%2FLiteral%3E%3C%2FPropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3CPropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3CPropertyName%3Eperceelnummer%3C%2FPropertyName%3E%3CLiteral%3E36%3C%2FLiteral%3E%3C%2FPropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3C%2FAnd%3E%3C%2FFilter%3E&OUTPUTFORMAT=application%2Fgml%2Bxml%3B%20version%3D3.2&COUNT=100&STARTINDEX=0'
When i paste this link into a browser it also shows the expected result.
So what am i missing? Why is FME Form giving me this error? Anyone got any idea? I would like to figure out what's causing the error (and fix it if possible) before i deploy this to production.
I'm working with FME version 2024.0.1.0