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Want To Connect ArcGis 10.5 Sde Mssql Database from Client Machine . It is Mandatory ArcGIS 10.5 at Client ? at client side 10.2 is already install .

maybe you'll need SQL Server Native Client 2012 +

maybe you'll need SQL Server Native Client 2012 +

Thanks ,, Already install SQL Server Native Client 2012



"Error while performing SE_stream_execute.:SDE_ERROR_CODE(-37) DBMS table not found. SDE_STREAM_ERROR_CODE(-51) SDE_ERROR_MSG1(42S02:2Microsoft]tSQL Server Native Client 11.0]0SQL Server]Invalid object name 'DPDC_GIS_DB.DBO.SDE_GEOMETRY3'.)



Hi @rajibtechlabs, How have you deduced it isn't an incompatibility with ArcGIS 10.2 at the client system - is it something else?

When you connect in ArcCatalog 10.2 on the client system to the SQL Server database hosting the 10.5 geodatabase are you successful? Can you see the table in question.

Is this just and FME issue?

This sort of message often leads me to suggest that either this is the wrong database (doesn't have this table) or the user you are connecting as is lacking permissions on the schema you are attempting to access.

Is this a new workspace that you are using, seems like it might be an existing one? Please try creating a new workspace to see if the connection information you have permits you to connect to the database and select the table in question.

I ran a test. My ArcGIS 10.2 software was able to connect to the Geodatabase 10.5.1. So this isn't the problem. I then tested in FME 2017.1 and was again successful making a GEODATABASE_SDE connection to the database.

Here's what is installed on our Windows 2008 R2 server. I do see two SQL Server Clients in my case. One is 2008 and the other is 2012. I could not determine from the FME log which client FME is using but I really don't think it would matter.

In summary, using FME 2017.1, with ArcGIS 10.2 installed, I connected successfully to a SQL Server 2014 instance with a Geodatabase created by ArcGIS 10.5.1.

Hi @rajibtechlabs, How have you deduced it isn't an incompatibility with ArcGIS 10.2 at the client system - is it something else?

When you connect in ArcCatalog 10.2 on the client system to the SQL Server database hosting the 10.5 geodatabase are you successful? Can you see the table in question.

Is this just and FME issue?

This sort of message often leads me to suggest that either this is the wrong database (doesn't have this table) or the user you are connecting as is lacking permissions on the schema you are attempting to access.

Is this a new workspace that you are using, seems like it might be an existing one? Please try creating a new workspace to see if the connection information you have permits you to connect to the database and select the table in question.

I ran a test. My ArcGIS 10.2 software was able to connect to the Geodatabase 10.5.1. So this isn't the problem. I then tested in FME 2017.1 and was again successful making a GEODATABASE_SDE connection to the database.

Here's what is installed on our Windows 2008 R2 server. I do see two SQL Server Clients in my case. One is 2008 and the other is 2012. I could not determine from the FME log which client FME is using but I really don't think it would matter.

In summary, using FME 2017.1, with ArcGIS 10.2 installed, I connected successfully to a SQL Server 2014 instance with a Geodatabase created by ArcGIS 10.5.1.

I wonder if it is possible that ArcGIS 10.2 requires the SQL Server 2008 Native Client to function with a SQL Server database (regardless of the Geodatabase version it is connecting to)?



From what I have seen it would appear that ESRI Clients, somewhere between 10.3 and 10.5 stopped creating the GEOMETRY table. ESRI 10.2 API insists that GEOMETRY table exists. So a 10.2 client can only access a layer if that layer was created prior to 10.3-10.5)
