
Update writer schema from reader schema changes

  • 1 February 2017
  • 3 replies

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I am trying to figure out a way to update the schema of a writer after changes are made to the schema of a reader. In this case, there are no transformers, just a reader pointing directly to a writer. The name on the writer is different from the reader but that is the only difference. Occasionally a field length will change on the reader or a new field is added to the reader. I can bring those changes into the workspace by updating the reader, and I am looking for a way for the change attributes of the writer if the reader changes.

3 replies

Userlevel 2
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The easiest I can think of is: After updating, right click the Reader feature type and use "Duplicate on Writer".

Then remove the original Writer feature Type (or do that first)..

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I was hoping I could use the workbench as part of an automated script so running it would update the destination schema and not have to get in and fiddle with it each time. Also, Duplicate on Writer wouldn't use the new feature names on the writer.

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my choice would be to set up a dynamic translation which will take care of the schema changes.
