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Good morning, i have to use the FME software for my master thesis work. I'm trying to convert an IFC file to CityGML to put it next in QGis. I'm using just the readers i need to use for my purpose (Ifcdoor, Ifcwindow, ecc..) but during the translation the Unexpected Input says i have three types of features which cannot be converted, and that stops the whole conversion. Do you have any idea on how and where to connect those features? Because i don't really need those features, but it seems like there is no way of let the software to not consider them.

Hi @umbertocarenzo​ 


There is a interesting article about this thema Unexpected Input:


Thanks in Advance,


Hi @umbertocarenzo​  - to add the missing/extra feature types, you can generally do this from the Reader menu > Import Feature Types,.. it will scan the dataset (IFC file) again and show you the feature types it finds and you should be able to select them from there,.. adding them to the canvas so they can be read. If you don't need them in your output, then don't connect them to any writer feature types. It may be that there are some dependencies between the feature types in the IFC input perhaps, or that's what I'm guessing may be causing this issue - take a look at the log file for your translation, that may give you some pointers.

@danilo_fme​ , @1spatialmary​ thanks to both your replies. I discovered from that article that the Unexpected Input is not properly an "error"; in fact, when i run the workspace downloaded from Safe's website, accompanied by the example IFC file, the workspace runs and the output .GML file is created in a correct way even if also in that case i have an Unexpected Input message.

The fact is that i discovered that using that same workspace with the IFC file i'm using for my thesis work does also an ERROR DURING TRANSLATION, even if the site says it runs with most of the architectural IFC files.

There is also no way to query the error to understand in which part of the workspace (or the file) lies the error, do you have any advice on how to proceed? Because i thought that the workspace on the website would run any kind of IFC file, and i don't know where to check for an error.

The workspace and IFC example file i'm referring to is this one:

Thanks in advice
