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I’m running FME Form 2023 and creating a new script with a reader wich fails when looking up tables. Message given: 

Failed to retrieve feature types

Could not open the enterprise geodatabase because the local version of arcgis is not compatible with the server's SDE version.

On the laptop I have both Arcmap 10.7 and ArcGIS PRO 3.1 (AGP) installed. When creating the reader I use a connection file created in AGP. I also have FME 2018 but this is 2023. The reader is defined as “Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) / Embed Connection Parameters” as the geometry format in the database is ST_GEOMETRY. 

To me it looks like files from ArcGIS 10.7 is found and used which doesn’t work. Is there any way to force FME 2023 to use “library files” from AGP 3.1 or is there another way to solve the problem?

In the navigator, check what ‘Esri ArcGIS Compatibility’ is set to

You may need to change it to the Pro option



Thanks! That did the trick.
