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In Microstation there is an attribute called "View Dependent" It has a toggle to either be dependent or independent. Is there a way to set the view dependencies during translation? Right now it seems to always translate as independent.

Hi not sure I understand you correctly do you mean setting the layers visibility? Then I would consider using a seed file defining the output layers visibility.

Hope this helps.

Would it be an option to set this in the SEED file (per created level) and use that SEED file as the output parameter?

Would it be an option to set this in the SEED file (per created level) and use that SEED file as the output parameter?

I have looked at the seed file and cannot find a toggle to set the view dependency. I tested my seed files by placing generic text and in both of them the text is placed as VIEW DEPENDENT however the translated file the text always seems to be VIEW INDEPENDENT. What the View dependency does for text in Microstation is allow the text to either rotate with the view (VIEW DEPENDENT) or stay at the angle it was placed no matter the rotation of the view (VIEW INDEPENDENT)



Would it be an option to set this in the SEED file (per created level) and use that SEED file as the output parameter?

I can not find an attribute or parameter to change this behavior either. I would send the question to Some hidden attributes might exist and they would know.



The View Dependent flag in Microstation determines how text and cells
are displayed when the entire view is rotated. For example, a view
dependent feature will rotate when the entire display window is
In FME 2008 support for view dependent/
independent status using a format attribute called
"igds_element_view_independent" was introduced.
igds_element_view_independent is the location for storing this value
when reading DGN, and can be set to control the value for features
written to DGN.
Hope this helps.
Happy FME-ing :-)

Thanks!!!! I will try this..

The View Dependent flag in Microstation determines how text and cells
are displayed when the entire view is rotated. For example, a view
dependent feature will rotate when the entire display window is
In FME 2008 support for view dependent/
independent status using a format attribute called
"igds_element_view_independent" was introduced.
igds_element_view_independent is the location for storing this value
when reading DGN, and can be set to control the value for features
written to DGN.
Hope this helps.
Happy FME-ing :-)

This was exactly what I needed.. Thanks


