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I am creating features with SQLCreator on Oracle 11g.   I have some complex joins and filters ... and a LOT of them to issue.



So many that Oracle CPU performance goes to hell.   I'm told because it can't do all that hard parsing, because there are no "bind variables"



I am using FME Server 2012.   There are 16 engines, each submit 2 queries per job to get the features it needs to process.  At any given time there are 32 queries executing at once and by the end of an hour 250+ jobs will have to run.   That is over 500 queries needing a hard parse.  With CURSOR_SHARING set to EXACT, the CPU thrashes itself to death.



How can I get SQLCreator to use bind variables?   Or should I use a reader and parameterize all the SQL for the Reader?   Do readers force bind variables?






Can I send a block of Oracle PL/SQL statements to SQLCreator





myparm NUMBER(10);




  select myattr, mygeom from myfeature where myid=myparm;





How do I get it to return the data to FME?






it is unfortunate, but FME does not currently support bind variables in the SQLCreator / SQLExecutor transformers. Also, I do not know if there are any plans to support this, or how difficult it is to implement given the FME architecture.



I do believe that the Oracle readers / writers use bind variables, though, although I've never verified it.



As for the performance, perhaps a rethink is in order. Would it be possible to define your select statements in a view and then access this view rather than the joined tables with FME?



Bind variables definately used when writing because I recently had a problem updating using Oracle Writer when using a Sequenced column, now fixed in 2014 Beta!
Readers don't appear to use bind variables when you supply an SQL parameter.



Still investigating query hints.   Since I know there is no optimization possible, maybe I can prevent it wasting CPU trying to optimize it.



