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Hi, I've literally just started experimenting with FME. When I run, it says that the translation was successful. But it doesn't seem to create output. I get a "The source file isn't valid" error when I open the inspector, and when I browse to the folder there's no output file. I'm trying to convert a DGN to Esri shapefile, and I've literally just been following the steps on an online tutorial, and I've used their datafile, and my own. With both input files, I get the same error. Do I have to change something in my general FME settings, or are the settings on my PC the issue?

Maybe share the logfile with us if you can?



Maybe share the logfile with us if you can?



@fmenco I agree the logfile can really be helpful in cases like this. Are you trying to follow along with this tutorial? How to Convert DGN to Shape (CAD Levels to GIS Attributes)


@fmenco I agree the logfile can really be helpful in cases like this. Are you trying to follow along with this tutorial? How to Convert DGN to Shape (CAD Levels to GIS Attributes)



Lol.. Yes !..., And I've also used my own DGN file, but I get the same error... It does read the features, but writes 0 features as output... I'll post the logfile when I can.



Are you able to Inspect your Reader and successfully see the DGN in the Data Inspector?


Hi @fmenco,



It's possible that you're geometries aren't being accepted by the shapefile writer - Be sure to check out step 8 of the tutorial carefully:



In the example dataset from the tutorial you want to make sure your writer is looking for polylines (not polygons). If the geometries don't match then the writer will skip them and you will have an empty output file. I think you should see some kind or warning in your lob (blue text)



This was exactly my first issue with FME and is my best guess at the problem.

I found the problem, guys! It was in step 3 of the tutorial... I didn't select Microstation design v8, but v7. This because I let FME atomatically detect the format from the dataset, and my file was a v7 file. It also used v7 for the data in the tutorial. I guess with v7, FME has a problem writing the data? That's literally the only thing I did differently, and now I do have output, for both my data and the tutoriald ataset. Thanks for helping me think ..:-)
