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I have a very simple workspace, the result of which is excel spreadsheets. However, there is a published parameter where I always need to inform dates, for example: 20200709030000, 20200710030000,20200712030000. Currently I need to run date by date, is there a way to run date by date automatically, that is, entering the required dates in one go?


Thank you very much

If you want to enter a comma-separated list, you can insert the following transformers at the very beginning of the workspace to execute all the following transformers once per list value:

  1. ParameterFetcher, to get the comma-separated dates into an attribute
  2. AttributeSplitter, set to split on comma into an FME list attribute
  3. ListExploder, set to the list result from the AttributeSplitter

it didn't solve my problem unfortunately. I would need my workspace to execute 3 times, if I entered with 3 dates ... with your suggestion it only performed it once and only did the operation with the first date 20200722 the others were ignored 20200721,20200719

It's difficult to say why it isn't working for you since I cannot guess how exactly how you implmented it, but this is what I had in mind:

As you can see, there are 3 features exiting the ListExploder, one for each date given in the DATES parameter. Replace the Logger with the rest of your process.

It's difficult to say why it isn't working for you since I cannot guess how exactly how you implmented it, but this is what I had in mind:

As you can see, there are 3 features exiting the ListExploder, one for each date given in the DATES parameter. Replace the Logger with the rest of your process.

Thank´s @david_r.


I may not have explained correctly what is needed, but I appreciate your attention and help. To resolve using a Workspacerunner, and use two workspaces, your idea may be to use just 1.

Hi there,


I wold try this, create an base csv ou excel with column named date and each line will be your date information.

Create two process. Process A (let´s name it) will be your desired workspace (The one with the result as excel) and the Process B that will trigger Process A.

In process B you start with the first CSV (With all the desired dates in a column) and point it to a Workspace Runner.

In the workspace runner you select "Yes" in the "Wait for job to Complete" checkbox and put the column with your date as the value of the parameter from Process A.

Press start and each line of the csv with your date will trigger one process and use the date value as parameter.

Hope that works.

Thank´s @david_r.


I may not have explained correctly what is needed, but I appreciate your attention and help. To resolve using a Workspacerunner, and use two workspaces, your idea may be to use just 1.

Glad to help. Indeed, this way you can do everything within the same workspace and do not need to use e.g. the WorkspaceRunner.
