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Wher can I find the result url if I run a download service by rest call in async mode?



The async call url is build like this:


http://<serverName >:<serverPort>/fmedatadownload/<repositoryName>/<workspaceName>?opt_servicemode=async&opt_responseformat=xml&token=<token>



The result query is build like this:





The xml response of result query does not contain the result url. If I run download service in sync mode, I can find the result url in xml response of sync call.



What I have to do to get the result url when I call a download service in async mode?





according to the examples here, it seems like the async call only supports sending the download url by mail, and not including it in the result xml like for synchronous calls.



You might consider contacting Safe support about this if it isn't what you'd expect.




The above URL not work(404). I found I can make an asyn call with empty parameters {} successful; but once I pass any parameters, it result 404 bad request: because json is not correct(space error) or if json is correct, then it returns

"Expected a list of published parameter objects". Still struggling very hard.
