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Hello community,

I've updated an ArcGIS Online Feature Service using FME, but unfortunately, I seem to have lost my data. The table still exists, but the data is missing. The feature service I want to restore was already added as both a feature service reader and writer. Does anybody have an idea how I can restore my data? The 'Enable Feature Cache' option was already checked.

FYI: we only have Arcgis online, we dont have Arcgis Entreprise and portal 

Hello @hola1115, thanks for posting! Seems very odd nothing was written, would you be able to share a full logfile so we can try to see where things went wrong? 

A few ideas...

  • Can you confirm all the data is being cached properly before writing (eg. all the data is present in Feature Information window before it hits the writer).
  • Consider sharing a screenshot of your writer parameters, incase we’ve accidentally set a parameter incorrectly.
  • Can you confirm the schema is the same and there are no mismatch is character case?

Unfortunately, I think you will need to recreate the feature service at this time, I don’t think there is a way to reinstate the service. Happy to help, Kailin
