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I am trying to rename feature classes in the gdb. I have found couple posts about this but I got FAILED when I implementing suggested soutions. What am I doing wrong? image

You may benefit from using a FeatureReader workflow transformer rather than a Reader. It has a schema port which will "list" the attribute names. AttributeCreator from - choose the "attribute{}" list index that represents the attributename you wish to rename; then set the value on the right. Also in the featuretype data stream, you need to rename the attribute. When both the schema and the data streams connection lines go into the writer, the changed attributename will meet up and write out dynamically

Hi, the process above explains how to rename attributes. I would like to rename feature class

if you expose the fme_feature_type format attribute, you have a few other options:

  • use attributemanager/create where the output attribute fme_featuretype is set a conditional value
  • (perhaps easier) use attributevaluemapper to rename original feature class name to a new name

Hi j.botterill,


I really appreciate your help but I cannot make it work

Hi Marta, I got back to this today. I made some changes as attached. I think you need to alter the fme_feature_type_name for the Schema data stream and then on the Data stream you change the fme_feature_type

Hi, Unfortunately the workench fails. To clarify the purpose of this workbench is to rename feature layers in the gdb. image 
