I am trying the write out using the to a file geodatabase using a feature writer but am unable to remove the feature datasets from the data.
I am using OPEN API as i am reading in all the fgdbs in one directory and writing them to a new location and splitting the data back to the original fgdb names, but don't want the feature data sets to be used (one of the main reasons for doing this) and i can not get the feature writer to writer to different fgdbs.
Below is the basic work space so far, the schema reader reads all the feature classes in the fgdbs then gets the feature reader to read those tables and send them to be saved in the new location by the feature writer. This will be the first stage of a data update process, eventually the workbench will read new data that has come in, compare it with a previous version and then update the file gdb with the changes (along with details of the change user, date and source). Each time data is delivered there could all or just some of the data supplied and wish to just be able to point the work bench at the new source data and hit run.
This is the current feature writer settings, and this works great except it stills includes the feature datasets, which we don't want to use due to issues hey cause with data locks etc