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Using an Esri ArcGIS Online connection and the Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service reader, I'm unable to read a feature service that has been shared to our organization.

When looking at the select form, i’m only provided my user folder and a groups folder. The feature service i’d like to read isn’t owned by me or shared with a group. Is this as-designed or is there another way to read it? 

Thank you


I am dealing with this same issue. If someone knows how to connect to shared Feature Classes in ArcGIS Online owned by others, i'd like to see the solution.

Follow these steps:

  • Use a FeatureReader
  • Load up a featureservice that you have access to (e.g. via group or user) and ok in featurereader
  • Now, go back into the featurereader and into parameters
  • Get the item id from the layer you actually want to read and update the item id in the reader:
  • Then ok through the screens.The featurereader should update, providing you with the name an feature layers and there schemas, and will read the data.

