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Hi there, 

I am getting an Error on Windows Server FME 2021.2.5  when add Reader FGDB and tried to open Tables. (Geodatabase Error (-2147024894) Please see the attached image for more details.

I have used FGDBs many times using FME, Windows Server Patches installed by the IT Department recently and it seems since then I am having this issue on FME

I have tried on different servers, ie: Windows 2012 & Windows 2019 and FME on all servers have the same issue.

I can drag and drop FGDBs on to the FME Workbench canvas without any issues. Could anyone help me to identify this issue and let me know how to resolve it?




I see from your screenshots you use the ‘Open API’ reader, you get the same error using the regular fgdb-reader (if that’s an option for you to use)?

I see from your screenshots you use the ‘Open API’ reader, you get the same error using the regular fgdb-reader (if that’s an option for you to use)?


Sorry I don’t have regular fgdb-reader option available for me to select as its grayed out. (I guess its because I don’t have ESRI ArcGIS licence/ installation) please see the attached image.
