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I've created a workspace, writing an IFX 2x3 file with two Property Sets per feature, which works well.

Changing the writer format to IFC 4 the two Property Sets are not written.


I've no Idea, what the problem could be and hope, that somebody could tell me, what I'm doing wrong.

You'll find the workspace and the Data attached.


Regards, Hartmut

Hi @habbu​,


We recently had another user report an issue similar to this (reported as FMEENGINE-65014). Our team recently implemented a fix in builds FME 21135 and 20704 so can you see if this is resolved in either the latest 2020.2 or 2021 beta?

Hi @chrisatsafe​,


Thank's for your answer.

I installed FME(R) 2020.2.0.0 (20200917 - Build 20760 - WIN64) and wrote the IFC files again.

No it works, everything is fine.

Thank's for the solution.


Regards, Hartmut
