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After a migration to Office365, FME is unable to open Access files. The following error is given:

Microsoft Access Reader: Unable to find provider 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', falling back to 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'. The 2007 Office System Driver might be missing from your system; follow this link for more information:;=23734

Microsoft Access Reader: Connection failed. Connection string `Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Data Source=K:\\dienst VR\\02_rapporten\\Lijst_SEVESO-inrichtingen 2016.accdb;User ID=admin;Password='. Provider error `(-2147467259) Onbekende database-indeling K:\\dienst VR\\02_rapporten\\Lijst_SEVESO-inrichtingen 2016.accdb.'

We tried installing 2007 Office System Driver, as given via the link in the error message, but this did not solve te issue. The following error message still appears:

Microsoft Access Reader: Connection failed. Connection string `Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Data Source=K:/dienst VR/02_rapporten/Lijst_SEVESO-inrichtingen 2016.accdb;User ID=admin;Password='. Provider error `(-2147467259) Unrecognized database format 'K:\\dienst VR\\02_rapporten\\Lijst_SEVESO-inrichtingen 2016.accdb'.'

Does anyone know how to deal with this issue? Thank you!


Hi @bakkermans, are FME and Office365 the same bit version?


Hi @bakkermans, are FME and Office365 the same bit version?


Hi @TiaAtSafe They are, both are 32bit.



Access Office 365 2016 32bit (b 16.0.8201.2200)


FME 2016.1 32bit (b 20160419)

Anyone any advice? I'm a bit out of ideas here on how to solve this..

Posting the solution found in case it may help another user with the
same issue. If you are using Office365 and is running into the same
error, please go to the following link:

and install the appropriate bit-version of Access 2013 runtime
installation package (the bit-version should match your FME

At the time of this comment, Microsoft has not
released an installation package for Access 2016 runtime that is
compatible with Office 365. According to this Microsoft forum thread, Access 2013 runtime installation is functionally equivalent and should resolve the error.

Edit: this driver may also work but has not been tested

Hope this helps,


Anyone any advice? I'm a bit out of ideas here on how to solve this..

The second link (id=54920 2016 runtime) did not work for me but the first link (id=39358 2013 runtime) does work. I am using FME 2019.2 32 bit with Office 365 32 bit.
