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I am trying to connect to our Oracle 11g Spatial Data using FME however the Oracle Spatial Object reader returns the following when trying to retrieve a list of tables:

"Failed to retrieve feature types"

I know there are spatial tables present as I can view the data in Arcmap, the log file simply states:

"universalreader -- readschema resulted in 0 schema features being returned."

Strangely if I read in a shapefile and output this as an Oracle Spatial Table to the same database this then shows and returns the correct spatial data, however I then receive the error below trying to use this in Arcmap:

"Error opening feature class

Layer not found

Layer not found"

This is my first post so apologies if I have missed off any crucial information, thanks in advance for any help on this.



Sounds like a metadata problem. Oracle spatial and ArcGIS have different metadata tables and they do not synchronize by themselves..

If you can read the table in ArcMap, why not use the ArcSDE reader rather than the Oracle reader?

Sounds like a metadata problem. Oracle spatial and ArcGIS have different metadata tables and they do not synchronize by themselves..

If you can read the table in ArcMap, why not use the ArcSDE reader rather than the Oracle reader?

Hi David_r



Thanks for your quick response, much appreciated.



I am currently looking at using the ArcSDE reader however I am having trouble getting these to work, currently they are greyed out and return the below error:




We have ArcGIS Desktop 32bit and FME 64 bit installed on the same machine so I tried option 4 from this article but the SDE readers are still greyed out. I will try a few more of the options.



Thanks again for your help.







Hi David_r



Thanks for your quick response, much appreciated.



I am currently looking at using the ArcSDE reader however I am having trouble getting these to work, currently they are greyed out and return the below error:




We have ArcGIS Desktop 32bit and FME 64 bit installed on the same machine so I tried option 4 from this article but the SDE readers are still greyed out. I will try a few more of the options.



Thanks again for your help.







If your ArcSDE reader is grayed out, then FME most likely either can't find (or make sense of) an ArcGIS installation, or the ArcGIS installation hasn't been properly licensed.



The article you linked is for the legacy ArcSDE format (called "SDE30" in FME), it might not be what you're looking for, try this one instead:


Oracle Spatial reader is using the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA to fill the table list. But even if the list s not available, you can enter the name of the table you want to read in the text field and use the table if it exists.

Hi Charlie,

As Erik_jan mentions, the problem is that the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table likely doesn't have any information for these Oracle spatial tables. You can use the table directly in the table list picker or you can follow the instructions in this article - - and add the metadata entries manually. This should then allow the Oracle Spatial reader to read your features.

In order to get the Esri products to read the Oracle tables you may need to add a spatial index and a unique integer index. See this article - - for information on how to accomplish this.

You should also be able to view the Oracle spatial table in ArcMap by extending your ArcGIS with FME and using an FME Connection.

I hope this helps.



Thanks everyone for your help.

I did get this working using the Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) reader but had to install the 32bit version of FME.

I checked the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table and as you suggested this didn't have any information for the tables.

Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.


