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I've downloaded a geopackage file from Data Map Wales (in the UK) containing listed buildings and whenever I load it into FME Desktop it seems to miss a field containing a date, all the other fields are there. I've used DB Browser for SQLite to read the file and the missing field is definitely in there and contains data. In FME Desktop I've tried using a reader and a featurereader to load the file, both approaches fail to recognise this field. I've also tried in QGIS and the field does not load in there either.


I initially thought that the data might be malformed in some way but the fact that it reads fine in DB Browser for SQLite suggests otherwise.


Does anybody have any ideas as to how I can read this date field?


The data is available from this website Listed Buildings | DataMapWales (

Hi @darren​ You should be able to work around this problem with the SQLITE3 reader; I've also filed this as FMEENGINE-78869

Hi Dan, thanks for that, I can confirm that the SQLITE3 reader does show the missing field, unfortunately I've now lost the geometry. I can re-create this as this particular table is only point data and has easting and northing columns in the data but if this was a polygon dataset how would I extract the polygons?

Hi Dan, thanks for that, I can confirm that the SQLITE3 reader does show the missing field, unfortunately I've now lost the geometry. I can re-create this as this particular table is only point data and has easting and northing columns in the data but if this was a polygon dataset how would I extract the polygons?

I think you'd have to read the geopackage with both SQLITE3 and OGCGEOPACKAGE readers at the same time to get all attributes and geometry, then use a FeatureMerger to combine them together.
