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I am using the ArcGIS Online geocoding service inside the Geocoder transformer. The transformer successfully returns results but the "score" attribute does not appear in the Inspector. The "score" attribute comes with the JSON results from the ArcGIS Rest API and I need the values to filter out low scoring geocoding results. Is there a way to expose this? I assume FME is filtering it out along with many other attributes in the resulting JSON. I am using FME 2018.1.1.2 (build 18586 - Win32).

Hi, if you use the ArcGISOnlineBatchGeocoder you will get agol_Score

Hi, if you use the ArcGISOnlineBatchGeocoder you will get agol_Score

Yes! Thanks @bruceharold. The ArcGISOnlineBatchGeocoder nicely accomplishes what I need. I can see the score along with a bunch of other attributes that do not appear in the core Geocoder transformer results.
