
MS SQL Server Connection OLE DB : The wait operation timed out

  • 8 November 2022
  • 2 replies

We are in change our FME-Desktops to a new machine. Same WindowsUser, same Version -> our SQL Server Database Connection is not working on the new Server.

By defining a database connection (Windows authentication) the Error below appears.


Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Trying to connect using Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server...

Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Failed to connect using Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server. Provider error '(-2147467259) TCP Provider: The wait operation timed out.'. Connection string 'Provider=MSOLEDBSQL;DataTypeCompatibility=80;Data Source=XXXX\\sql1;Initial Catalog=XXXX;Integrated Security=SSPI'

Failed to open reader

UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned


2 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +10

Hi @atoki12​,  please check out this article for some suggested first steps and let us know if you have any luck with the provided suggestions:

Userlevel 1
Badge +22

A timeout suggests that something is blocking the connection. You probably need to look at the firewalls.

It might theoretically also be that the query is too slow. In that case increase the timeout value.
