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I have a workspace that runs in Desktop, but has issues in Server.

It appears that the file path for the MS Access database gets cut off at the first space character. The error message from Server is pasted below:

Microsoft Access Reader: Connection failed. Connection string `Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Data Source='\\\\server\\groups\\group;User ID=admin;Password=********'. Provider error `(-2147467259) Could not find file '\\\\server\\groups\\group'.'

The connection string should be: \\\\server\\groups\\group name\\target database.mdb


  • FME Server is 2019.1 - Build 19608 win32
  • FME Desktop is 2019.1 - Build 19608 win32

Hi @ae_jeff,



How are you choosing/selecting the mdb file? Are you doing it through the web ui? Or leaving it as a published parameter value from workbench? If it doesn't already, I would try adding " " around the path in FME Server published parameters before you run the workspace, because of the spaces.

Hi @ae_jeff,



How are you choosing/selecting the mdb file? Are you doing it through the web ui? Or leaving it as a published parameter value from workbench? If it doesn't already, I would try adding " " around the path in FME Server published parameters before you run the workspace, because of the spaces.

Hello @jlutherthomas,

Thanks for your response.

The .mdb file is a published parameter from Workbench that is not modified/modifiable in Server. It does have quotes around the path.

I have had success reaching other file types whose paths contain spaces, it seems to be specifically the MS Access Reader that is my issue.

Are those quotes single or double quotes surrounding your path string? It sounds like in true Microsoft style the underlying MS ADO/OLEDB provider wants the path with double quotes "pathname" and not 'pathname'. Double quotes are needed in a lot of MS based technologies to define the startb and end of a string literal whereas single quotation marks will just get treated as another character.

Are those quotes single or double quotes surrounding your path string? It sounds like in true Microsoft style the underlying MS ADO/OLEDB provider wants the path with double quotes "pathname" and not 'pathname'. Double quotes are needed in a lot of MS based technologies to define the startb and end of a string literal whereas single quotation marks will just get treated as another character.

Hi @bwn,

Thanks for your response.

The quotes are double quotes in Workbench. The workspace runs successfully (abbreviated log output below) on my local machine, but not on the virtual machine with Server.

2019-12-30 10:30:08| 0.5| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft Access Reader: Opening '\\\\server\\groups\\group name\\target database.mdb' for read operation


2019-12-30 10:30:11| 1.5| 0.5|INFORM|Microsoft Access Reader: Database read complete. Retrieved 892 feature(s)

Hi @bwn,

Thanks for your response.

The quotes are double quotes in Workbench. The workspace runs successfully (abbreviated log output below) on my local machine, but not on the virtual machine with Server.

2019-12-30 10:30:08| 0.5| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft Access Reader: Opening '\\\\server\\groups\\group name\\target database.mdb' for read operation


2019-12-30 10:30:11| 1.5| 0.5|INFORM|Microsoft Access Reader: Database read complete. Retrieved 892 feature(s)

@ae_jeff Reading more about the OLEDB provider, some people have had more success, weirdly, with wrapping the path with single quotes like 'path name'. Others seemed to have success with """path name""" Maybe try these variations and see what happens?
