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I hope this post makes sense. I used a list an attribute splitter -> list exploder -> attribute creator to assign a value based on conditional criteria. I now need to filter the data using the following logic: Take the minimum “_element_index” WHERE “Review Status” (newly created attribute) has a value, else use the MIN(element_index).

There would be a Group By: “Project Number”

Any help would be greatly appreciated   

In the attribute creator you can create a conditional value which will allow you to use logic like you’ve mentioned above

Here’s some documentation (old version but still applicable) on conditional values -

@hkingsbury I have already created the attribute, but I want to filter out the data since the list exploder made many ‘duplicates’. The logic I want to use to filter is when the “Review Status” has a value take the lowest “_element_index” that contains a “Review Status” ELSE take the lowest “_element_index”

@hkingsbury I updated the question to make it a little more clear.. i think 😅

Are you able to provide some examples using a sample of the data that you have? An example of the ‘input’ data and an output of what you’re wanting to achieve

@hkingsbury Here is a super simple version. I want to take the lowest “_element_index” that has a “Review Status”, if “Review Status” is empty just give me the lowest “_element_index”



Taking the data step back (into when its a list) you can just use a ListSearcher to achieve what you’re after.

I’ve also attached the above workbench (2023.1)
