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I have an Microsoft Access 2002 database with a number of look up tables and was wondering how I would go about migrating this to Oracle using FME 2015 while keeping the relationships between the main table and the look up tables.








The simplest solution is to use the functionality in File / New / Generate workspace to set up the workspace for you.



FME is amazing at translating data, but translating relations etc. isn't its strong suit, so you'll mostly have to define the foreign keys, indexes etc. manually in Oracle. You can use something like Toad or SQLDeveloper for this, they make it fairly easy to do in a user-friendly interface.








Agree that using a tool like SQL Developer is easier way, but if you are familiar with SQL syntax, you can also add required constraints (foreign keys etc.) to the destination database by setting the SQL statements directly into the "SQL Statement To Execute After Translation" parameter of the writer.



