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Hi ,

I have elements of kind measure ( formed by a line/s and text) , anybody knows what geometry is this ??? the input give me it like lines , but the text disappear.

Thanks in advanced for you help.


If you open the dgn in the Data Inspector you can find out the geometry type of these elements by looking up the the fme_type and fme_geometry attributes in the feature information panel.

Thanks itay ,

I had looked it at the begin of all , and the problem is that if you mark the parameter drop dimensions for agrupate all the lines and text in one object , the text of the measure disappears and I cannot see in the inspector , but if the drop dimension is not checked , divide the element in lines and text separates ... my question is if there is any geometry of FME for this type of elements or any way to pass the line/s and text of the measure as a unique element ...

Thanks again !!

Thanks itay ,

I had looked it at the begin of all , and the problem is that if you mark the parameter drop dimensions for agrupate all the lines and text in one object , the text of the measure disappears and I cannot see in the inspector , but if the drop dimension is not checked , divide the element in lines and text separates ... my question is if there is any geometry of FME for this type of elements or any way to pass the line/s and text of the measure as a unique element ...

Thanks again !!

Let me see if I understand you correctly, so checking a reader parameter (drop dimension) results in an aggregate feature consisting of a line and a text, but the measure text is no longer visible. Can you see the measurment value as an attribute in the Data Inspector Information panel?



Maybe a sample dataset will help clarify.




Hi itay and thanks again ,

I'll upload a images that maybe will clarify the problem as you coment.

The image cotes_sample , contain the original element in V7

The image cota_sample_drop_yes is the result in inspector with option drop dimension set to yes

The image cota_sample_drop_no is the result in inspector with option drop dimension set to no

What I need is to have the same output than input , a element type measure grouped in a unique element and formed by line/s and text.

Thanks !!




expose igds_element_type to see dgn's internal number to identify measure.

Hi zubairm and thanks , it returns me the number 33 that is the type dimension , but I don't know why the text disapears ... any idea?

Hi @xavigarciamar, first of all good advise from @zubairsm any luck with that?

Secondly the MeasureExtractor might help you, but I am not familiar with it.

Hope this helps

Hi itay ,

Yes , for the initial question has been good , know what type of FME is this element , but not for the geometry or how to work this kind of elements.

I'm investigating about , if I solve something I will post it.

Thanks again for your time !!

I think the behaviour is as you describe, so you have two options:

1) Set Explode = Yes. Then use a NeighborFinder transformer to find the nearest text to the dimension line. You can then create a "group" of them in FME using the Aggregator transformer.

2) Set Explode = No. The text will not appear, but all the information about it is available in the list of attributes in the dimension line. So use a VertexCreator to replace a copy of the line with a point feature at the text's X/Y coordinates, then a TextAdder to change it to a text feature using the text's string content and size.

I hope this helps. If I had to choose I would try option #2 first, because it is guaranteed you have the correct text (the NeighborFinder might find the wrong piece of text).

Sorry Mark , one question, the explode option to set to yes or not , where I can find it??? sorry I'm new in FME ....

Sorry Mark , one question, the explode option to set to yes or not , where I can find it??? sorry I'm new in FME ....

Hi @xavigarciamar, In the reader under parameters > advanced> check in the Drop Dimensions for Mark's option 1 and uncheck for option 2


Hi @xavigarciamar, In the reader under parameters > advanced> check in the Drop Dimensions for Mark's option 1 and uncheck for option 2



Thanks Itay !!! I'm sorry for so much question but I'm some losed with FME I'm completelly new !! thanks Itay !!

Hi Mark ,

I've been testing your solution , and there is something that I'm not doing OK. I attach a screen of the fme diagram where you can see how I have connected the transformers.

As you can see , all the lines are rejected , any idea???


Hi Mark ,

I've been testing your solution , and there is something that I'm not doing OK. I attach a screen of the fme diagram where you can see how I have connected the transformers.

As you can see , all the lines are rejected , any idea???


Only one thing more , in this case , I will have to the ouput a line + text ??? I have configured it to add a point in the line , but the text adder , will kepp the line and will transform the point to text ?? thanks !!



Only one thing more , in this case , I will have to the ouput a line + text ??? I have configured it to add a point in the line , but the text adder , will kepp the line and will transform the point to text ?? thanks !!



i suspect change the mode from "Add Point" to "Replace with Point" - but the select of the attributes underneath looks correct to me.



Hi Mark ,

I've been testing your solution , and there is something that I'm not doing OK. I attach a screen of the fme diagram where you can see how I have connected the transformers.

As you can see , all the lines are rejected , any idea???



Thanks Mark , now I'm with another things , I will look it in another moment , thans in advanced for you help !!
