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MapInfo writer is populating -9999 to attributes which have been manually set as integer or float and is empty. Cant figure out why?





Hi @ashish_m1,

Those values mean that there is no value which does not mean it is a zero. You can use the Tester transformer for a Null values and set them as zero, but this is not correct in my point of view. Otherwize just leave the -9999, other software should have the capability to ignore that specific -9999

I hope this helps.


I think this is internal value of MapInfo. Pass "0" instead of null

Unfortunately the MapInfo format doesn't support NULL values.

FME will automatically substitute NULL values as follows when writing to a Mapinfo dataset:

  • NULL written to a numeric column becomes -9999
  • NULL written to string column becomes an empty string

You can use the NullAttributeMapper set to map to "New value" if you need other NULL substitutes.

I think this is internal value of MapInfo. Pass "0" instead of null

Not sure using "0" is sensible as it could be a valid value whereas -9999 has some inferred value.


