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I have a MapInfo file which I am trying to convert to an ESRI Shapefile. 

I can open the file using the MAPINFO reader in FME Data Inspector but when using the same reader in FME this returns the below error:



Failed to open native MapInfo file '' could not be opened as a MapInfo dataset.<br>
I have tried using both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of FME but receive the same error in both.


The TAB file has all file elements within the same folder (.TAB, .ID, .DBF, .MAP)



I have also tried both the TAB and MITAB readers. Is there anything else you can advise to try?



Thanks in advance for your help with this.Thanks, Charlie

Hi @cdoherty,

Could send the full log file? and your Source data?



I wonder if you mean .DBF? It's not usual to have a DBF file with a MapInfo TAB file, but it is with a Shape file. Could two similarly named files have cohabited unnaturally in the same folder perhaps? The normal storage file for a MapInfo files records is a .DAT file.

That said, as you have said it opens fine in the Data Inspector I think it's curious. I'd try:

- Open with MAPINFO reader

- Open with MITAB reader

- Open with MAPINFO Extended reader

- Try 32bit and 64bit FME

- Open with Data Inspector (where it worked) and chose File > Save Data As to see if you can export it from there to a Shape File. If so, that deserves a issue ticket to be submitted.

- Turn it off and on again... and start from the top again.

- Try it in an earlier build of FME available here.

All the best, Dave

Hi Charlie @cdoherty

if you can view your MapInfo table with Data Inspector but can not add a Reader in Workbench, we definitely need to take a look at your dataset. Could you please share it? If you prefer not to share the data here, we can open a support case and do this investigation through the case.
