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I have a problem where I have a local counter (_count) that adds a counter to each feature that passes through. I also have a list of numbers I want the counter to ignore. 

Eg 1 to 10,000 but ignore the 244 numbers in my _ignoreList, which is dynamically created.


1,2,3...39,40,42 (ignore 41 because its in my list)

Any ideas on how I would go about this?

All help is greatly appreciated.

Regards, Paul

  • Use a ListBuilder to create a list (in the FME sense) of the IDs to ignore
  • Add this list to all input features (use a FeatureMerger with dummy values to join on)
  • Use a ListSearcher to check whether a feature ID is in the ignore list
  • Continue with the features to process


Thank you @geomancer. Perfect!
