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When loading a 2016.1 Workspace in 2017.0, I saw this in the Translation Log:

Workbench: Workspace integrity check during load found one or more readers/writers with configuration issues.

Workbench: Backed up current workspace as: X:\\Path\\Folder\\Wibble (backup).fmw

Workbench: Fixed reader/writer configuration issues.

How can I find out what was wrong with the Reader/Writers?

Adding the Debug log level does not provide any further information.



What format(s) are you reading from / writing to? Look for those in the changelog, maybe there's a clue there. I haven't seen this message before so my guess it's related to a specific format.

I'm reading 2 File Geodatabase (FGDB) point layers and writing back to one of them. There's also a disabled CSV Writer. Thanks for the changelog link. There's one Geodatabase thing and lots of CSV stuff that might or might not be relevant. I guess I could re-open the Workspace in 2016.1, remove the CSV Writer, then open in 2017 again and see if I still get the message. A bit more detail would still be useful though. For example, does this mean the Readers/Writers have a problem even in 2016.1?

Ah, this is NOT a runtime FME Engine thing. It is purely a workbench thing. We noticed during FME 2017 development that we were getting a few workspaces that had corrupted / misconfigured reader/writer settings in them. We believe this took place briefly in FME 2016s life and was triggered when someone would copy / paste a reader or writer. Basically the internal keywords we use *could* get mixed up in that case. While the original problem was cured long ago, there appear to be some workspaces out in the wild that have this. Now, if the settings on the two readers that were accidentally sharing an internal keyword did not conflict, there would be no problem. But we did see a few cases where there was a problem. We put in code to detect that situation and repair it, but decided we'd be a bit verbose in that situation.

If you want to know what gets changed, just do a text DIFF between the (backup) .fmw and the one you save after we say we did the repair. You should notice that the keyword prefixes are different in the reader/writer section. Other than that, there should be no material change (but...there will be lots of other diffs due to things getting reordered which happens most every time we save...but that is another issue).

Bottom line, this should be no issue at all and if anything things will only work better in FME 2017 -- but if you'd not noticed an issue previously then almost certainly there will be no actual behaviour change.

Hope this helps.

Ah, this is NOT a runtime FME Engine thing. It is purely a workbench thing. We noticed during FME 2017 development that we were getting a few workspaces that had corrupted / misconfigured reader/writer settings in them. We believe this took place briefly in FME 2016s life and was triggered when someone would copy / paste a reader or writer. Basically the internal keywords we use *could* get mixed up in that case. While the original problem was cured long ago, there appear to be some workspaces out in the wild that have this. Now, if the settings on the two readers that were accidentally sharing an internal keyword did not conflict, there would be no problem. But we did see a few cases where there was a problem. We put in code to detect that situation and repair it, but decided we'd be a bit verbose in that situation.

If you want to know what gets changed, just do a text DIFF between the (backup) .fmw and the one you save after we say we did the repair. You should notice that the keyword prefixes are different in the reader/writer section. Other than that, there should be no material change (but...there will be lots of other diffs due to things getting reordered which happens most every time we save...but that is another issue).

Bottom line, this should be no issue at all and if anything things will only work better in FME 2017 -- but if you'd not noticed an issue previously then almost certainly there will be no actual behaviour change.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info @daleatsafe :-)


I'm definitely guilty of copying and pasting stuff between Workspaces so that would explain it.


I've had it with a couple of Workspaces now - I'm re-ordering parts of 8 Workspaces which are called in turn by a parent Workspace.


BTW I've already put the CSV2 Reader to use - between that and the new DuplicateFilter I've shaved about 15 minutes off one of my Workspaces.


Thanks for the info @daleatsafe :-)


I'm definitely guilty of copying and pasting stuff between Workspaces so that would explain it.


I've had it with a couple of Workspaces now - I'm re-ordering parts of 8 Workspaces which are called in turn by a parent Workspace.


BTW I've already put the CSV2 Reader to use - between that and the new DuplicateFilter I've shaved about 15 minutes off one of my Workspaces.


Awesome news re: CSV2+DuplicateFilter improvements! That's what we live for here.

What's slightly confusing/annoying is that these translation log messages remain when you open another Workspace in the same instance of Workbench. So at first glance it can appear that the messages apply to that Workspace, not the first one you opened.
