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I am new to JSON formatted strings and have spent a few hours trying to split out some content with JSON Extractors and Fragmenters with no luck. I have an array of 10 "items" which I need splitting into separate features.


What I need to pull from each item is the publishedParameters list (as a split list) and WorkspacePath.


So they resulting objects should be formatted as such:

Item# ¦ WorkspacePath ¦ publishedParameters

0 ¦ "APIrepository_prod....." ¦ "name": "user_email", raw: ""

0 ¦ "APIrepository_prod....." ¦ "name": "cell_size", raw: ""

0 etc.

1 ¦ "APIrepository_prod....." ¦ "name": "_layers_other", raw: ""

1 ¦ "APIrepository_prod....." ¦ "name": "_layers_gde", raw: "present_nonclipped.gde_drainage,..."

1 etc.



I have attached the full JSON in a text file.

Many thanks,


Hi @soothsayers,

Please try the following settings in the JSONFragmenter:



This will produce the following results:


You can use the JSONTemplater to create the new JSON in the format you want, or a ListConcatenator to merge the list elements into a formatted string.

Hi @soothsayers, if I understood your requirement correctly, this workflow might help you.

Thanks for your help guys, I have now got this working. It's not exactly how your examples worked but they were very useful. I used something similar to your multiple JSONFragmenter example @takashi, filtered out just the WorkspacePaths I needed, then crucially set a counter on them.


Splitting out the request.publishedParameters shown in the list in your image @daveatsafe, I could then aggregate them back up based on the Counter result. Finally I then could expose the request.publishedParameters to get the attributes needed to FeatureMerge other incoming data based on these attributes! Wonderful!
