I'm writing and IFC file and I am writing objects into IfcProxy as there's no other fitting IFC Type at the moment. To better define the type, I am using the default ProxyType attribute.
When I write ProxyType as attribute in FME, the IFC file breaks. I can see the information added in the file but apparently the syntax is wrong. The FME output looks like this:
#674=IFCPROXY('b4I2bLVTRhe0Uu99isXLTw',#24,'Stone | CCC','Wastewater asset ID: cac582d1-373d-4ff8-bada-9727e139562a',$,#673,#672,.Sewer.,$);
In this case ".Sewer." is the ProxyType value. Then I change the IFC file to contain this instead:
#674=IFCPROXY('b4I2bLVTRhe0Uu99isXLTw',#24,'Stone | CCC','Wastewater asset ID: cac582d1-373d-4ff8-bada-9727e139562a',$,#673,#672,'Sewer',$);
After this change (replacing . with ') the IFC file works and the ProxyType information can be read.
Is this a bug or a mistake on my side?