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Hi Folks,


I want to do something that should be simple but I'm stymied.



See the attached workspace and simple sample data. Due to the nature of the dataset, the single file in "DATA" gets a slightly different file name each time we receive it. So all I need to do in theory is:


Readers -> "Import Feature Types" -> (Change to | delimiting) -> Press "ok" -> Select the updated "feature type" -> delete the old one from the workspace -> link the new one up. Done!



Except it doesn't work.


I've done it in the attached but as you can see if you run it, it just skips those features. Despite the fact this feature type is listed under "feature types".



Even if I delete that feature type and use "Import" instead, I get the same thing.



The only way to fix it is to add an entirely new reader.






Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or is this a bug in FME? 2014 SP1 and 2013 SP4.




Hi, I get that often using fme 2013.



Lasttime with a gml reader. It kept referring to the deleted reader...


Only thing that helped was building a fresh workspace.



I surely hope not that 2014 has this buggy bit as well...:(


Hi Gio,


Hmmm, thinking about it, it is in a similar vein to one I was report a month or so back - I had a hidden feature in my workspace that wasn't showing when it was being run.


I'll report this to Safe then.




Hi Jonathan,



In the advanced parameters of your Reader, there are some "Feature Types to Read" set. Only these FeatureTypes are read when you start the workspace. Uncheck all and your workspace works fine.



Hi Thomas,


This doesn't seem to do anything. All four features are already ticked in the Readers-> "Enable/Disable Readers" menu.





Hi Thomas,




Sometimes realy nothing helps but rebuild.



I kinda assume, i must admit, that available possible settings in readers etc. are pretty much known to users.



Yesterday i made a workspace to read an wms. I wanted to use writer, png raster.


Then it said: nono! use pngraster! so i removed and reinsterted. It kept insisting i was using png writer rather then the png raster writer.


Up until i opened  a fresh bench and copied content except the writer. Inserted writer png raster...and voila!


Been workingover 4 yrs with fme, i pretty know its quirks.. ;)



getting better every release tho, so im happy enough.


Yes I know, sometimes a new workspace is the only way. But here, I think the solution is simple.





Maybe my answer was not so clear. I don’t talk about Enable/Desable FeatureTypes. What I mean is the parameter “Feature Types to Read”:



In your workspace there are four entries: Pointx_v2_0100019520_Mar14, POI_CLASSIFICATIONS, POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_LOOKUP and POI_CLASS_TO_SIC_LOOKUP



I think, Pointx_v2_0100019520_Mar14 was your first filename/FeatureType, but now it is called Pointx_v2_0100019520_Mar14v2. It is clear that fme ignores this FeatureType.


Try now to uncheck all FeatureTypes (Uncheck is better then check all, because you don’t have to change it with every new FeatureType)



On my machine it works (FME2013 SP4 and FME2014 SP1)



Hope this helps




Hi Thomas,


Ok, yep that does it. I guess that's a bug; it seems weird that "Feature Types to Read" (what you highlighted) isn't updated when everything else is (the "Feature types" in the drop-down below that, as well as the reader in the workspace itself).



Thanks for the information,useful for the future!



