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Good morning.

This week has been released the new INSPIRE validator:

This tool allows you to validate a GML file.

I have several GML that I got using the INSPIRE GML writer in FME. To validate them, I just checked them against the XSD provided by INSPIRE. That validation was always OK.

But with the new validator I'm getting this error:

cvc-elt.1.a: Cannot find the declaration of element 'gml:FeatureCollection'.

I have attached a sample of my GML. There is a FeatureCollection tag...

Does anyone know if I have to change something of the INSPIRE GML writer to build a proper FeatureCollection?


Hi @oscard,

it could be an error in the GML, in the Writer and in the Validator.

You should have a look in the XSD to see whether the FeatureCollection tag is declared there. If it is declared, it might be an error in the Validator. If not, there might be a problem in the Writer.

Hope this helps.

Hi @oscard, 

it could be an error in the GML, in the Writer and in the Validator. 

You should have a look in the XSD to see whether the FeatureCollection tag is declared there. If it is declared, it might be an error in the Validator. If not, there might be a problem in the Writer. 

Hope this helps.

I needed to add more elements to the schemeLocation URL parameter of the writer:


With that, the new validator gives the OK to my files.


Thanks for your answer. It took me to the right path.

