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I'm trying to read an INSPIRE compliant GML file sourced from the OS Open Names dataset. I've tried both the GML SF-0 and INSPIRE GML readers and various parameter settings, but cannot get the xlink:title attribute of certain elements in the gml to show as an attribute in FME. 



An example of a feature from the gml is below. An example of the attribute I want to read is the value "New Forest" from the xlink:title attribute of the names:inDistrict element. 


 <gml:featureMember>     <names:NamedPlace gml:id="SP62DS">       <gml:identifier codeSpace="</gml:identifier>" target="_blank">"></gml:identifier>       <gn:beginLifespanVersion>2015-03-09T09:02:10.000</gn:beginLifespanVersion>       <gn:geometry>         <gml:Point srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::27700" gml:id="LOCAL_ID_1">           <gml:pos>416993.3 119543.3</gml:pos>         </gml:Point>       </gn:geometry>       <gn:inspireId>         <base:Identifier>           <base:localId>SP62DS</base:localId>           <base:namespace></base:namespace>           <base:versionId>6</base:versionId>         </base:Identifier>       </gn:inspireId>       <gn:leastDetailedViewingResolution>         <gmd:MD_Resolution>           <gmd:equivalentScale>             <gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction>               <gmd:denominator>                 <gco:Integer>3500</gco:Integer>               </gmd:denominator>             </gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction>           </gmd:equivalentScale>         </gmd:MD_Resolution>       </gn:leastDetailedViewingResolution>       <gn:localType>         <gmd:LocalisedCharacterString>Postcode</gmd:LocalisedCharacterString>       </gn:localType>       <gn:mostDetailedViewingResolution>         <gmd:MD_Resolution>           <gmd:equivalentScale>             <gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction>               <gmd:denominator>                 <gco:Integer>18000</gco:Integer>               </gmd:denominator>             </gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction>           </gmd:equivalentScale>         </gmd:MD_Resolution>       </gn:mostDetailedViewingResolution>       <gn:name>         <gn:GeographicalName>           <gn:language xsi:nil="true" nilReason="inapplicable"/>           <gn:nativeness codeSpace="">endonym</gn:nativeness>           <gn:nameStatus codeSpace="">official</gn:nameStatus>           <gn:sourceOfName>OS Open Names</gn:sourceOfName>           <gn:pronunciation nilReason="missing" xsi:nil="true"/>           <gn:spelling>             <gn:SpellingOfName>               <gn:text>SP6 2DS</gn:text>               <gn:script>Latn</gn:script>             </gn:SpellingOfName>           </gn:spelling>         </gn:GeographicalName>       </gn:name>       <gn:type codeSpace="">other</gn:type>       <names:inDistrict xlink:title="New Forest" xlink:role="" xlink:href=""/>       <names:inCounty xlink:title="Hampshire" xlink:role="" xlink:href=""/>       <names:inEuropeanRegion xlink:title="South East" xlink:href=""/>       <names:inCountry xlink:title="England" xlink:href=""/>     </names:NamedPlace>   </gml:featureMember>
 But whatever setting I choose on the reader it just gives me the following FME attributes, which don't include the xlink:title:






I'm using the XSD provided by OS and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, so any assistance would be much appreciated. 








I'm using FME 2015 build 15253 32-bit. 

@john_gis4busine Have you tried the generic GML reader instead of the INSPIRE reader, making sure to specify the OS application schema path? Also, I would recommend trying this again with FME 2016.0 as we have made a number of fixes and enhancements to our GML support. Note that I don't believe that names:inDistrict is part of the INSPIRE geographic names schema. I could not find any reference to this element type in

Update - xlink:title is now supported for our GML formats as of 2017.1 b17441

Update - xlink:title is now supported for our GML formats as of 2017.1 b17441

Thanks @DeanAtSafe just found this answer when having same issue when writing Inspire AU GML!

