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Hello FME Knowledge Centre,

I have been working with FME Server for just less than a month and have come across the following issue. I created a data download service then tried to run it as a html form. I tried it in Google Chrome and came across the following error:

I spend a few hours delving into what CORS was and how it worked. I tried the templates provided by FME Server with no success. I then tried some custom CORS settings, again with no success. Before giving up I tried the form in IE and Firefox and it worked! I disabled to CORS settings in FME and tried again with IE and FF and it still worked.

I am running FME Server on an Amazon EC2 and am trying to access the service from behind a corporate firewall and proxy. I have tried the form in Chrome an external computer but still no success.

Help me FME Knowledge centre, you're my only hope...

David McDermott

When you open the HTML form, are you opening it by double-clicking it (so it opens as file:///C:/directory/file.html)? If so, that might be the problem. It is perhaps because file:/// is not the same origin as <servername> and so CORS objects.

If you put the file into your web server directory (C:\\apps\\FMEServer\\Utilities\\tomcat\\webapps\\ROOT) and then in the web browser visit <servername>/file.html, does that work?

I assume you're trying to access information vital to the survival of the rebellion?!

We just ran into the same issue this afternoon. Good knowing it is an issue with Chrome only.

Hi @markireland,

Sorry for the delay. Yes that is precisely what is was doing and what I did to fix the issue. @gavinpark3 from SterlingGeo suggested the same thing so I installed apache2 on a VM and dropped the html file in there and it worked fine.

Not sure why Chrome was the only one that objected.

Not quite vital to the survival of the rebellion but a pretty important part of the business case for FME Server.


Hi there

I am having a similar issue with Chrome after setting up CORS for a REST Service that I've created on FME Server. I set CORS to allow POST methods only for this one website that I expect to recieve the POST from. After making the CORS settings, I keep on getting the same error in Chrome as shown above. Logging in with Firefox works fine. With IE there are a few minor issues like icons not loading on the website.

The POSTs from abovementioned website work fine so the answer above isn't relevant in my case.

Due to this issue I had to set my CORS back to '*' which is a potential security issue. Any help with this would be appreciated!


