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I renamed a hosted feature service in ArcGIS Online and now need to update the name in a few FME workspaces (FME Desktop 2020.1.2.1 - Build 20624). But how? The feature service path is not editable under Parameters and neither Update nor Import Feature Types accomplishes the task from what I can see. It looks like I can do so using Find and Replace in a text editor but I'm not entirely comfortable with that solution. Is there a standard method I'm overlooking? And yes, I will be replacing the feature service name with the item id moving forward so this is no longer an issue. 🙂

Weird that the Update/Import isn't working. Probably the easiest solution would be to create the readers in a new workbench with the correct FCs selected, then copy the new readers to your current WB and delete the old readers

Weird that the Update/Import isn't working. Probably the easiest solution would be to create the readers in a new workbench with the correct FCs selected, then copy the new readers to your current WB and delete the old readers

Yeah, re-adding all the readers and writers is my fallback plan. Maybe I'm misunderstanding how Update and Import Feature Types work but neither seems to allow for replacing one data source with another, which is what I want to do. As stated above, I renamed the hosted feature service my readers and writers are pointing to. They no longer work so I need to "update" them to the new name. That doesn't appear possible in FME. Hoping I'm wrong and someone can point me in the right direction.

In case other users come across this, it looks like the issue is the version of FME I'm running: 2020.1.2.1 - Build 20624. It's the corporate version we are on at the office. Checked with a co-worker running FME Desktop 2022.1 and for him the ArcGIS Online feature service path is editable/changeable. Luckily, we are upgrading to FME 2023 later this year so it will no longer be an issue soon!
