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Hi all,

I'm trying to translate an Access select query to a FME script.


I have two Excel files in Access: one that contains data (LINC_RawData) and a comparison file (Linc_Recoding_Scheme)

Below select Access query shows records that have a value in the "Category" field and that do not have a value in the "UID" filed.

How can I translate this to FME?


Basically, all data should flow through to a writer except when it matches above query, I'd like it to appear in a separate output (or list / filter)




The FeatureMerger can do it for you. Direct the "LINC_RawData" to the Requestor and the "Linc_Recoding_Scheme" to the Supplier. Merge on Category = UID.

If I've understood you correctly, you'll get what you need coming out of the NotMerged port, which you can then send to a suitable Writer.


David, thanks for your comment. The FeatureMerger did the job, thanks!



