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Firstly, we have extracted the Schema of this Oracle database (sde) in MySQL FGDB format in ArcGIS Pro exporting this schema.

Now, in FME Desktop I need to connect to Oracle database server and get this data as per feature classes present in datasets with all the attribution and its values with geometry in this MySQL FGDB Schema imported.

Need help on this and which transformers can be used to get this Oracle data migrated in MySQL database Schema FGDB.



If you simply want to make an A-to-B copy of your Oracle data into MySQL, you can probably get away with using the Generate Workspace option.

When it comes to which transformers you can use, it's a lot of them. That really depends on what you specifically want to do with your data (other than simply migrating it). If you can explain a bit more about your requirements it'll be easier for people here to try and help you.
