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I am migrating ESRI shape file data to Smalword4.0 using FME. In migration process RWO objects migrated successfully. i am unable to migrate "Join Records"(Assets and Phases) and relation maintenance between tables. I need clear procedure to migrate join Records migration with relation maintenance.

For relations, Have you tried featuremerger?

Some info from our training materials:

The GE Smallworld writer can import join fields for text based joins fields and foreign key fields. Other types of join fields are not supported, Refer to the GE Smallworld documentation: Smallworld FME Translator Reference – section 4.5 Join Fields. You may have to make some fields visible using the Administration ACE application

FME can load simple joins. There are three types of joins that can be represented:

• Simple parent – child 1:0..n relationship, i.e. Town - Roundabout
• Heterogeneous relationships. These are parent – child 1:0..n relationships, where there can be different parent objects. i.e. Office or Point of Interest may join to a Road Works object
• Multiple child object joins. These parent – child relationships have one parent but multiple child objects

In summary, to build a simple join relationship you need to set the foreign key on the child table to match the primary key of the parent table. As @pratap suggests, the FeatureMerger transformer is a great way to do that.

I hope this helps. If not, let me know and I will get a Smallworld expert at Safe to take a look at your question.

If you do not have access to the FME SmallWorld Edition, the Spatialbiz FME SmallWorld plug-in is a good alternative. The plug-in allow interaction between FME and SmallWorld (reading and writing) and supports JOIN fields in many ways.

For more information:
